
needles needling needlessly with little thread... or much of anything else...

(foolish dribbles to be written at uncertain times, on an irregular basis, from uncertain sections of the ever expending universe, and from whatever dimension I-We-Us-Them might find ourselves/ myself in …)

Friday, June 11, 2004


During the masturbatory funeral bonanza the Republicans are putting on for that actor turned president who recently died, I’m suggesting that all of you turn down the volume on your televisions to MUTE and listen to Ken Freedman’s The Commemorative Ronald Reagan Hyper-Patriotic Blowout as background music. I’m not sure whether the funeral show has been played on your primetime TV yet, and if the celebratory politico-denial-like-speeches and lies have already been diffused, if the horse carriage carrying JUST SAY NO’s husband’s casket has already gone down Washington’s streets… I don’t know… and I don’t care… still, if you were unlucky enough to live through Reagan’s years, if unfortunately for you, you were a conscientious sentient human being between 1981 and 1989, then you should listen to Ken Freedman’s show. You might get some enjoyment out of it.

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