
needles needling needlessly with little thread... or much of anything else...

(foolish dribbles to be written at uncertain times, on an irregular basis, from uncertain sections of the ever expending universe, and from whatever dimension I-We-Us-Them might find ourselves/ myself in …)

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Long day at work yesterday, and another one coming along today. Barely enough time this morning to chill out with a cup of coffee. Hard getting out of bed. Confused dreams. Was invited at this place by this woman, and I kept messing up. Like I got my foot caught in some string or something trying to make it to the bathroom while they – there were a few people present in the dream conversing in the living room area of wherever I was – and while trying to cut it, I completely entangled myself in it, only to realize that it was some fancy silk drape I was destroying. But the more I tried to unravel myself, the worse I destroyed everything around me and strung myself even more. It was like I was caught in a spider-web. The hostess was a woman probably about my age or just a few years older, who lived alone with her pre-teen daughter. I forgot most of the dream, but I was embarrassed throughout, so much so that I started waking up, and wanting to get the hell out of the dream, because I didn’t want to get caught totally destroying this person’s bedroom-bathroom. It was like a bad Three Stooges skit all bundled up together.

The good thing about today, is that I have to leave the store at eight tonight, I cannot stay till closing, because I am volunteering at the French Legation Museum where they are celebrating Bastille Day. From 21h00 on till closing, I will be in charge of selling raffle tickets. There will be food, drinks, and music. Should be fun, and anyway I need to go out, to do something other than stay at home and go to work.

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