
needles needling needlessly with little thread... or much of anything else...

(foolish dribbles to be written at uncertain times, on an irregular basis, from uncertain sections of the ever expending universe, and from whatever dimension I-We-Us-Them might find ourselves/ myself in …)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

instantaneous wordage 

inadequate laments
from safety
a home standing still
inside which
a man sitting alone
from others
crying not because he thinks
but because he feels
inadequate to lament

unable to act
and help those
even poorer than him
he sits there
and watches them die
miles away.

is it cowardly?
or the truth of the situation?
unable to move
imprisoned inside walls
so thin
like careless sticks yarned around
the room
wooden matches
stuck with glue
built as if a wall
a grid
of strewn toothpicks.

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